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All you need to know about the range of an e-scooter.

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Ever since electric vehicles have marked their presence in the world, and people are baffled whether they are making the right move with the adoption of these vehicles. The Indian market in particular is witnessing a major inclination towards electric vehicles (EV), the electric two wheelers, to be precise. Battery scooters in India are selling like hot cakes, even though a substantial amount of myth and speculations also ride along these vehicles. One such area of concern about the e-scooters is the range.

In this blog we will talk about what exactly does the range of an electric vehicle refers to? What are the factors determining the range of an electric vehicle? And finally, why range anxiety is common among the buyers?


What does the range of an electric vehicle refer to?

Range in the simplest words can be described as the distance covered by a fully charged vehicle. It is the mileage equivalent, if we take the traditional fuel vehicles. Just like the mileage of petrol vehicle is related to fuel economy, the range of an electric vehicle is related to the travel-cost efficiency. If you are already acquainted to the electric vehicles, travel cost efficiency is the greatest perk these vehicles offer. The range of the best e bike in India can shoot up to 200 km/charge, based on its battery technology.


What are the factors determining the range of an electric vehicle?

The range of an electric vehicle prominently and primarily depends on the battery technology. The more advanced the battery technology the more range efficient are the EVs. The battery reserves the energy of the vehicle and is the equal to the fuel tank. You can determine the range of and electric vehicle based on the remaining charge of battery. Among the batteries, the Li-Ion types are considered most efficient and advanced. For example, the battery scooters in India offered by Gemopai are all supported by swappable Li-Ion batteries, defining both quality and convenience.

Further the range of an electric vehicle depends on the speed of the vehicle. The higher the speed the energy consumed. Thus, if you are not a speedy road rash fan you can opt for a medium speed vehicle which can suffice both your purpose and serve you with a good range. Also, the best e bikes in India available at this moment offer different ride modes, such as the sports mode, eco mode etc., these factors can also influence the range of the e-scooters.

Added on to this, there are other factors such as road topography, the weather, the number of passengers, and the weight carried by the vehicles, etc.


Why range anxiety is common among the buyers?

Electric scooters are highly beneficial due to their budget friendly nature, reliance on electricity addressing the fuel cost and climate change issues. However, the sales for EV gets startled due to range anxiety. Even the new electric scooters in India are facing the disadvantage of range anxiety. The term implies to the fear or tension felt by the rider if the battery is low and the charging facility is not available nearby. The fear often sparks the feeling of getting stranded in the middle of nowhere.

The range anxiety is what disapproves the potential buyer from making the final move. We can’t totally deny the fact that electric vehicles are a new concept, particularly for the daily commuters of India. Two-wheelers are the lifeline of this country and a lot of daily commutes is dependent on the same. Thus, range anxiety is an influential marker when it comes to the sales of the batteryscooters in India.

Surveys reveal that more than the cost of the vehicles the range anxiety affects the decision of the buyer. At the same time the surveys have also pointed out the lack of charging infrastructure leads to the primary reason of buyers backing out from a buying electric vehicle.

However, we are not far away from the electric future and thus the new electric scooters inIndia are coming up with evolved future as compared to their predecessors. For example, Gemopai Astrid Lite is upgraded to the new range of up to 200 km per charge. Additionally, all the Gemopai scooters are backed by swappable batteries. This option provides the owners a convenient charging possibility and a backup as well. The buyers can always keep charged up battery and replace it while the other one is exhausted.

Not just the EV makers and manufactures of battery scooters in India but the government as well is taking initiatives to drive out the range anxiety issue by setting up low-cost public charging facilities. Most of the EV owners are dependent on the private charging facilities, and the induction of public charging facilities can motivate the sales of the battery scooters in India, by manifolds.

With the current developments in the EV industry and the next generations of batteries are expected to be even better and efficient, eliminating the range anxiety altogether.


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