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The national capital is on its way to becoming the EV capital of India

best electric scooters

The concept of mobility has traveled a long way, and no one can deny that the transformation is appearing faster than it was actually predicted. If we consider India and its population, it is stated that about 40cr customers would be in need of mobility solution by the year 2030.

However, to ensure the India’s Net Zero Emission by 2070, the increase in the number of automobile customers has to be dealt with a different approach. Electric bikes, scooters, three wheeler s and cars are no longer a new concept for the country. Further to stick with the Paris agreement and contributing to the climate change concerns, India is on a mission to revolutionize mobility.

No to mention that the there is growing consensus among the public as well as manufacturers, as both are looking forward to an electrified future of transportation's. Although India is only at the genesis of this phenomenon and it has a long route to cover ahead.

 The future is electric.

Anyone who is keeping up with all the buzz about electric vehicles can say that the future defiantly appears charged up, and there is no denial about it. In India the ever-rising fuel price has been a major concern, particularly for the daily commuters and has been burning holes in their budget every month. Therefore, the electric scooters in India became the popular hero who was willing to relieve the commuters from the clutch of the high fuel price.

The revolution took a step ahead when the start-ups as well as the big players from the automobile industry peeked into the future and accelerated the growth EV production. Once again, the electric three wheelers and electric bikes become the starting point of this revolution.

Undoutedly, it wouldn’t be shocking to witness electric vehicles take over the private transportation immensely if not completely in the coming 10 years. With the biggies like Tesla, the potential of electric bikes and cars is not to be judged at all.

Just following the invisible footprints of these big names are the EV companies like Gemopai who are riding it steady and slow with fewer electric bike models. Their ambition is to research and develop on the existing technology and offer the daily commuters a reliable option.

Further as we mentioned in the beginning of the blog, climate change and a reciprocation on this matter is indeed grave. Thus, switching to electric vehicles is even more serious matter than expected. The major fraction of air and nose pollution that occurs on a daily basis is due to transportation. While transportation is the basic need of human civilization, the impact on the environment cannot be done away with.

Therefore, the electric bikes and cars deem feet as the solution. Not only are these vehicles pocket friendly but are also eco-friendly, which caters to the Paris agreement equally. Now that Indian Government has traced the effectiveness of electric bikes, three wheelers and cars, they are encouraging the public to choose the innovative mode of transportation. In doing so the national Capital of the country is the torch bearer.


Delhi – leading by example

The total sales of electric vehicles in Delhi accounted to 9 per cent of the total automobile sales in the month of September-November in the year 2021. The total sales percentage of EVs in Delhi is six times higher than the total national average. No wonder The National Captial is emerging as the EV capital of India. Spotting an electric bike in the streets of Delhi is now a normal phenomenon and the city is leading by example.

As stated by the transport minister, the progressive electric vehicle policy of the National Capital is turning out to be a huge success, and sale of electric vehicle is rising rapidly. In fact, the sale of CNG vehicles have witnessed a fall by seven per cent as EVs power up the Delhi automobile market gradually.

To go by numbers a total of 9,540 electric vehicles were sold during September-November quarter, in Delhi. Collectively the EVs, which comprised majorly of the electric three wheelers and electricbikes, have surpassed popular choices in the market, like the diesel and CNG, by a significant margin.

It is to be noted that the EV Policy of Delhi has sat a target of 25 per cent of vehicle registration till 2024 to be that of the electric vehicles. The capital is also the first in the country to exempt road tax and registration fees for all EVs.

Additionally, the government and power discoms are taking up the charge to facilitate the EV owners with charging infrastructures. Theirs has been an initiative of setting up 600 public charging points by mid-2022. Previously, 201 charging stations with over 380 charging points across the city were installed in the past two years, which is the highest for any city in the country.

Delhi government also provided a subsidy of Rs 10,000 per kWh of battery capacity, maximum of up to Rs 1.5 lakh, for the first 1,000 four-wheeled electric vehicles sold. For the other electric vehicles which also includes the very popular electric bikes and two wheelers the subsidy amount is Rs 5,000 per kWh of battery capacity, with a maximum of up to Rs 30,000 per vehicle.

While the capital has been struggling with the troubles of pollution control for considerable number of years now, it is evident that the government is not leaving any stones unturned. The national Capital have already paved the way, and the country is starting follow.


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