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How much does it cost to charge an EV?

How much does it cost to charge an EV?

How long does it take to charge an electric bike? How often should I change it? How much does it cost to charge an electric bike? Is it costly? 

If you are planning to buy an e-bike and visit the electric bike showroom any time soon, these might be the questions that you would be pondering upon currently. You have already heard that the electric vehicles are cheaper to run and thus are advantageous over traditional fuel vehicles, which cut out a significant chunk of your monthly budget.

Although the market is disrupted by these "futuristic" vehicles, the e-bike price has also caused a lot of buzz around, being a little higher than the conventional ones. But the, compared to their buying, cost the running cost is exceptionally low, as well as the maintenance cost, thus creating the right balance for the buyers to sustain financially. 

Just like the traditional fuel vehicles, the cost of running an electric vehicle also varies depending on the model and battery specifics of the vehicle. However, electricity costs much less than petrol or diesel, and electric bikes and cars require less maintenance than internal combustion engines (ICE).

Additionally, the government offers various incentives, exemptions, and tax benefits on buying an EV. Thus, if you are planning for a purchase any time soon, do take into account the available schemes and calculate the e-bike price, including all the details.  

Coming back to the focal point of the blog, the charging cost of electric bikes foradults, here are a few of the answers:

Can I charge my electric car at home?

Yes, certainly, you can charge your EV at home. The electric bikes and all other electric vehicles come with their own charging set up. When you visit the electric bike showroom, it is wise to get details of the charging setup and if any additional infrastructure is required for the same. 

The bikes like Gemopai, which come with detachable ad swappable batteries, are easier and more convenient to charge at home. You can just detach the battery from the bike and charge it inside your home just like your phone, laptop, or other gadgets; all you need is a suitable charging facility. 

If we take the average cost of charge from across the country, it stands around Rs 4.5 to 5 per unit to charge your EV battery. So, it would cost anywhere between Rs 120 and Rs 150 for a fully charged EV. 

How often should I charge my EV?

Depending on how drained your battery is and the distance you are covering in one ride, you can decide how often you should charge your battery. Further, go through the manual that comes with your e-bike. The electric bikes for adults come in different ranges and specifications, which have a direct impact on the battery usage. 

More speed more the battery consumption's and you will surely not want to run out of charge thus keeping your battery charged to full and most importantly charging it smartly is what you need to do. 

How much does it cost to charge the EV at a public charging point?

The cost of charging an electric bike or scooter at a public charging point will depend on the charge point network and sometimes also on the location of the charging point. The cost at public charge points also varies on the power rating and whether it's slow, fast, or rapid. 

In India, a lot of advancements are still in need for the setting up of public charging points across the cities, as the numbers are yet to grow proportionate to the adopter of these vehicles. However, the government is already on the mission to set up more charging points with reasonable ratings. 

How should I store my EV battery?

EV batteries should not be stored in very hot or very cold conditions. The batteries also should not be subjected to conditions of high moisture. Further, it would be best never to store a battery in a fully flat state. 

If the batteries are left in a completely discharged state for an extended period, they might not function later. You will surely not want to buy the bestelectric scooter and let its battery go to a waste. Thus, the preferable temperature for storing your EV battery is between 15 °C (59 °F) and 25 °C (77 °F) in a dry area. 

Some important information on charging your electric vehicle.

Any type of rechargeable battery should not be left to get discharged completely. Hence it is an excellent practice to recharge as soon as is possible after the battery reaches the prescribed level. 

It is indeed recommended to charge the e-bike after every ride, which would allow your electric bike to be always ready for your next trip. Here are a few more points to consider 

·         Never charge the e-bike battery at temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F)

·         If your EV battery has a switch, turn it off before charging. 

·         Make sure the battery and charger are placed on a non-flammable and dry surface away from sources of flammable materials, heat, and humidity.

·         Always use the charger supplied by the e-bike manufacturer.

·         Recharge your EV battery a minimum of once-a-month eve if you are not using it.

It is normal to get perplexed about the functioning of electric bikes if you are planning a purchase or new user. Still, the electric bike showrooms and dealers will assist you well with your purchase and better understand the vehicle. 

Taking care of an EV battery is no rocket science. All you need is a little bit of awareness, and your electric bike is there for you taking you on smooth rides. However, the battery is the heart and soul of the EV there for it is essential to take care of the vehicle battery well and protect it from any serious damage. 

Hope the blog answered your doubts on EV battery, ride safe. 


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